A quote to live by:

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."Marilyn Monroe

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Introduction of Ally!

Hello followers, my name is Ally, I am the person who created this blog, and am the person whom you all will be talking to! I am currently in my last months of being a junior in high school. I decided for my college major that I will be majoring in psychology. It has become a major passion of mine ever since I have had some personal issues in the past. I am here today, to speak with all of you about them, so that you all know that you're not the only one, and that there are people who understand and can talk with you. It started off when I was about eleven years old. I was at the beach, and I ended up getting sick on the board walk. Ever since I've had a fear of going far away ,more particular the beach which is three hours or so away from where I live. I had associated that one experience of getting sick with the beach and was afraid to go back because I thought I would get sick again. I then went to therapy and was diagnosed with GAD-Generalized Anxiety Disorder. This is the most common form of anxiety and can be controlled with therapy and other techniques rather than medication. However, my GAD had gotten so out of control that I had to resort to medication. I was afraid to go an hour away! I couldn't go sleep over at friend's houses, I couldn't go out on dates. It was completely out of my control. I've been on medication for about two years now, and it is safe to say that my anxiety has been kept under control thanks to not only the medication but therapy tactics as well. Another personal issue I had to face was bullying. A lot of children face this issue and there are ways to cope. I found mine. That is to advocate for the victim, and make it known that the bullies will not win, and that in the end the victim is the one who deserves recognition for being a strong and courageous individual. Some people don't realize that bullying is just not a child-hood past-time, it can kill! Bullying is not something to mess around with! It all started in fourth grade. I was one of the pretty popular girls, and there was another group of girls who didn't like me. They made rude remarks to me and made me feel invisible and like no one wanted to be my friend. At this age children are sensitive and really want to just fit in and be a part of something. This same group of girls continued to bully me until fifth grade until I moved. Sixth and seventh grade was a blast! I barely had any drama in those years of my schooling, and then came eighth grade. Eighth grade was the worst year of my life. All because a boy liked me all of these girls became outraged and jealous threatening to kill me, beat me up, and chasing me around the school. I ended up missing so much school because I was so scared. I had to be escorted out to my bus after school to make sure I wouldn't be jumped by the group. Finally, I had to put a stop to it all. I realized, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, I am me, and I deserve respect. I couldn't let these pointless people get in the way of my education and my life. So I stood up for myself, and let everyone of the people who bullied me that I was not going to back down and let them do this to me. Ever since I've been bully free and having a great high school career ! Recently, I have been diagnosed with depression, I can't really explain why I am depressed but if you have depression you know that it's something you just can't explain, it comes and goes and it's tough to get through. However, at the end of the day you know that whatever you've been through has only made you stronger. I live by that everyday! So basically, that's a little about my personal issues and why I want to help those of you who have those and other issues. I love to help people and plan on devoting my life to helping others. Hope to hear from you all soon!


  1. Hi my name is Jenny andIam 15 years old, i never did anything like this so IAm not sure how it works, I think your blog is cool and a neat idea. i ahve anxiety and some other issues i guess and i hate school!!!! maybe we can chat sometime


  2. Absolutely! If you need anything I'd love to help! Just go ahead and post a comment here or wherever and I'll be happy to help :)
